

At Troon Community Primary School, we aim for our children to be naturally curious about the world around them. Our curriculum is carefully planned so the children can access the three areas of Science enabling them to develop scientific knowledge and understanding, understand the processes and methods of science and are equipped with the skills to be inquisitive. Our intention is for our children to broaden their scientific vocabulary through engaging and stimulating experiences, which are built upon year on year. Topics are repeated in different year groups to deepen the children’s knowledge and help them to retain knowledge.


Our Science curriculum is planned to be progressive throughout the school. We use the National Curriculum programs of study to plan our Science and Understanding of the World in the Early Years Foundation Stage.  Key scientific vocabulary is modelled throughout the lesson and displayed within the classroom. Technology is used, wherever appropriate, to aid teaching and learning. Teachers use well thought out questions to allow our children to wonder and think deeply about experiences that they may never have experienced. Teachers are also encouraged to plan trips and visitors to enrich the children’s learning. For example, we have a strong link with NEXUS, a local Math and Science specialist school, where our children experience different workshops related to their topic.


Our Science curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. Our children are independent thinkers and are able to ask questions about the world around them. They demonstrate our school values, including resilience and being aspirational to complete challenges and as a result enjoy their ‘Eureka’ moments. We hope for our children to leave school being lifelong learners who are enthused, curious and inquisitive and who are prepared for the future in the ever-changing world and to be the best we can.


Click on the link  Science at Troon School